Call Prioritization Index

Today, most nurse triage advice centers use some type of call prioritization (acuity rating) scale. A call prioritization index is used to communicate to the clinical staff the best and safest order for the call queue. It helps answer the question “Which caller should the triage nurse speak with next?”

A definition of a Call Prioritization Scale is as follows:

A numeric classification of patient acuity for medical call centers that characterizes:

• The degree to which the patient’s condition is life or limb-threatening,
• The risk of harm.
• Whether immediate treatment is needed

… and communicates to the clinical staff the best and safest order for the caller queue.

The Call Prioritization Index (CPI) is a five level scale. Click on the links below to download both a conceptual flow chart and a tabular matrix outlining a Call Prioritization Index.

• CPI v2 Conceptual Flow Chart

• CPI v2 Table and Acuity Matrix